Monday, March 14, 2005
Watch Out, I'm About To Get Girly On Your Ass Yesterday The Boyfriend and I went to Bath and Body Works because my poor mommy has pneumonia and I wanted to get her something to make her feel good even if she doesn't feel good. Well, when I got to the register I was informed that I got a free item because I bought 3 items. Woo! So I asked the girl what she suggested because the boyfriend was getting antsy (we were there for 15 minutes... that's 5 minutes longer than his time limit) and she told me about the lovely, delicious, oh-so-yummy smelling Black Raspberry Vanilla scent. Oh my gosh, you guys, I smell like a walk in the forest on a lazy summer afternoon (but not in that sweaty, pine-y, I just stepped in squirrel poop kind of way). Anyway, this stuff smells soooo good. Kind of tangy (think lemonade). I love it. I also got some White Tea and Ginger stuff because it is equally as tasty smelling and I was almost out. It's a very light, spring-y smell. Scrumptious. Anyway, so next we went to Walmart because I wanted to get a basket and some other items to put in it for my mom. I ended up getting 2 baskets for $5 (bonus!) and some stuff like green tea and chicken noodle soup and some snacks that I know she likes but probably wouldn't buy. Anyway, we were wondering around and I spotted these flowers. OH my goodness, they were the coolest flowers I have ever seen. The middle was white and the outside was a deep, deep purple, almost like a royal blue. So I grabbed one of those and another one that had pink edges. After I got home and saw how good they looked in the basket, I decided that I really, really liked them and must have my own. So I will be going to Walmart shortly to hook myself up. If I can get out of the driveway, that is. I've mentioned that I hate driving before, but I don't know if you can understand just how much I hate driving in the winter. Especially because our driveway is stone, which means you can't shovel it for crap, and uphill... which means it's just a big ice slope by now. When you back up from your parking spot you're already halfway down the hill and it's impossible to get back up (we have one of those driveways that goes up in front of the house and back around to the road since it's a busy road and all but impossible to back out... trust me, I've been forced to do it a couple times, it sucked). And when you pull in from the road you have to gun it to get up the driveway... but not too much or you'll just slide off into the grass. Great fun. Anyway, since I hatehatehate driving in the winter, I'm not all that used to it and I'll feel like a complete idiot if I get stuck after 2 feet of driving... in my own driveway. Anyway, back to what I was talking about before I made a short story long. While we were at the store yesterday I also bought a Majestic Palm (it's not very "majestic" right now... I mean, we did get it from Walmart for $7.00, but with a little pampering it'll be just fine.) I originally got it to put in an empty space between a chair and end table but this thing is so damn big that it covered half the chair and most of the table. Hello rainforest. Speaking of this thing being huge, I think it should have a name. I've decided that it's a boy. I think "Frank" (pronounced "Fronk", like the wedding planner in Father Of The Bride) has a nice ring to it, but I'm open to suggestions. So for the sake of Frank we're going to re-arrange the livingroom (actually, just move the fishtank so we can push the couch over and make some space on the other end of the couch). Now all I have to do it tell The Boyfriend that I've elected him to do this. I have also decided that I need to get my ass moving on planting some seeds indoors so I can plant actual flowers outdoors when the time is right. Who wants an empty flowerbed that may or may not grow something? So I need to get some pots. And since I'm getting so in depth about what I plan on doing today, I also plan on picking up a gallon of milk, a gallon of distilled water, a new outfit for The Kid for "spring pictures" tomorrow (are spring pictures really necessary?) and a new pot for Frank. Oh, and I'm also thinking about washing the walls in the kitchen later. And I'll probably go to the bathroom a few times too. And there you have it. Now you know more about me than you ever wanted to. Have a great day.
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